As we
walked around Bristol we saw a man fall. I ran over to help him and
the first thing he did was cover his face shouting “Don't hit me!
Don't hit me”. Once he realised I was there to help he relaxed a
little and we talked. He told me about the previous night when he had
woken up in a car park with a man standing over him about to urinate
on him. He confessed to being an alcoholic, and he told me that he
drank to forget that he had killed a man when he was serving in the
army. He didn't feel that he deserved our help.
was little we could do to really help him, but for 10mins we were
able to show we cared and when I with great reluctance left him he
was smiling and said he felt a lot better. The Soup Run is mostly
about showing unloved people that in fact they are loved. Homemade
soup, cake and rolls show this wonderfully and practically.
I am
really proud of our church, the way that everyone pulls together to
help. We have over 90 people signed up and helping from all ages of 6
to 90. This weekend what you do made a difference. I man with no
hope, totally uncared for felt that he was loved.
You all, never stop loving the stranger and know that Jesus would be
proud of you too.
my thank you from after the homily on Sunday morning.