A few weeks ago Gail and I went along to a Saturday morning course about suicide prevention. We didn’t really know what to expect, but suicide is something we have both bumped into in our lives, and we wanted to know a little more than we did.
The course was taught by ‘Every Life Matters’ - https://www.every-life-matters.org.uk/ They are a Cumbrian charity promoting Suicide Safer Communities and providing Suicide Bereavement Support across Cumbria.
While taking the greatest of care with us, as some of the attendees had much more personal experience of suicide than we did, they talked about suicide and how we could become the equivalent of first aiders for people thinking about ending their lives. We were not being trained to be social workers or psychiatrists, but just caring people who could talk about suicide and direct someone to help. For me this concept of first aid really helped me understand what I could do to help.
Many people in their lives will think about suicide, it doesn’t mean they will ever attempt it, but it does mean that they probably have some things in their lives that are hard and difficult to deal with. Just asking someone if they are ok, and then maybe asking again when they say they are fine, could be the step to a real conversation about how they are really feeling.
I would recommend anyone to attend an ‘Every Life Matters’ course if you get the chance. Their course are advertised on their website and take place across Cumbria. Or just ask us after Mass one Sunday, both Gail and I will be happy to talk about the session we attended.
God Bless,
Deacon John
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