All Change.
Talk is easy.
Ideas cost nothing.
Change is good; accept change for its own sake. Old systems are corrupt; new ways must be better.
I have talked. I have promoted an idea. I have exorcised some of my dissatisfaction but what have I really achieved. What have I really said? I have advocated change; I have not offered feasible alternatives.
How often do we encounter this situation? How often is the grass greener on the other side even when we wear dark glasses?
There is a better way!
Pray; listen and hear; be obedient to God’s word; ACT!
Patrick R
July 2012.
Good morning John,
There is a lot of hot air doing the rounds at the moment about better reulation for the Banking industry; enquiries; prosecutions et all - but when we look at the rhetoric a little more closely there are really few if any firm proposals or viable proposals being offered for consideration.
How often are we in this situation today.
Perhaps the attached will strike a chord?
Every blessing,
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