Homily 18th Sunday Ordinary Time Year B - Spiritual Revolution

Homily (Sermon) – Spiritual Revolution.

The Readings for Sunday 5th August 2012  or the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B:

First Exodus 16:2-4,12-15
Psalm Psalm 77
New Ephesians 4:17,20-24
Gospel John 6:24-35
[These readings can be found at www.universalis.com for the next few weeks.]

"Your mind must be renewed by a spiritual revolution so that you can put on the new self that has been created in God’s way."

Change happens all the time. Everything changes. Sometimes change is good, 'A change is as good as a rest', they say. Sometime change is bad, like an illness or bereavement. Change can happen slowly, an evolving process that is sometimes difficult to see. Change can happen quickly, a revolutionary change that changes everything suddenly.

Paul tells us today to change, not a slow considered comfortable change, but a fast revolutionary change. A complete change. We must put on a new self, as if we are putting on a new set of clothes, a new self created in God's way. This must be a good change, as it will bring us closer to God. But any change described as revolutionary has to be scary.

What am I going to lose? Will I like the new me? What will I have to do? Am I going to be able to change? How do I change? And dozens more questions like this should be running through your heads.

Or are you thinking I don't need to change? Have you already got your life right? Are you already living in a self that's been created in God's way? I know I am still trying to change, still looking for ways to become more like the person God created me to be than the person I have evolved into during my life. I think I am evolving into the man God wants me to be, I have to admit I am scared to think that revolution not evolution is what's called for.

We are given a huge and historic example of revolutionary change in our reading from Exodus today. Everything has changed for the Jewish people, they have left their home and security and followed God and Moses into the desert. They are scared and they are hungry. They start to worry, then they start to complain, they challenge God and he provides for them. He sends them quail and manna, bread from heaven.  Here is a good lesson for us, change isn't easy, when it gets difficult ask for help, your father in heaven will provide. If He can feed two and a half million people everyday for forty years in a desert, he can help you with your worries.

The same Exodus story is picked up and quoted in our Gospel reading today. As we heard last week, a large crowd have just been feed from a small boys packed lunch, and have now following Jesus across the lake.

The people believe he might be the messiah prophesied in scripture and are hoping he will prove this. The miracle of the loaves and fish shows he is a prophet but it was just earthly bread he gave them to eat. The messiah would give them manna from heaven as Moses had, bread directly from God not of human making. In their concern for bread and manna, their desire to see scripture fulfilled as they thought it should be, they missed the real miracle, they miss the truth, they miss Christ.

I have to be honest, I would I am sure have made the same mistake, and that shows me I still need to change.

Christ goes on to reveal to them that, true bread from God comes from heaven and gives life to the world, and the He is that bread. All we have to do is come to Him and believe in Him.

One of the most wonderful privileges I have as a minister in this church is to distribute holy communion. I get to stand at the front of church and smile at each one of you as you receive Christ, the bread of life, many of you are privileged enough to receive the Eucharist, Christ in the form of Bread and Wine, some for whatever reason receive a blessing from Christ. We all, in those moments have the chance to turn to Christ, to believe in Him, to never be hungry or thirsty again. To start the revolution within ourselves. To become the creation God intended us to be.

Aren't you just a little curious to see what that will be like?

It is your choice. Are you ready? Will you receive Christ? Will you believe in Christ? Will you change? Will you start your personal revolution?

And remember, if you do decide to change, when you get worried ask your Father for help, He will be there.

Last weeks Homily 17th Sunday - Homily Index - Next weeks Homily 19th Sunday


  1. Oseal, thank you for your comment. I pray that with the Lords help you will become the creation our Father intends you to be. God Bless you, J.

  2. Good reflection. thanks and may God bless you more.

    Fr. Anthony fernandocmf.

    1. Thank You Fr. Anthony, I already feel blessed that this blog is being read by people around the world. Yesterday I heard from a radio presenter in Kenya and today from yourself in SriLanka. Gods world is quite small sometimes, but always wonderful. J

  3. Thanks John, what a good reflection, it will change people indeed! Am a Seminarian from Malawi Central Africa, at St Peter's Major Seminary,Theological College.

    1. May God bless you in you studies. Thank you for you kind words. J.

  4. A nice reflection. Keep it up. It blesses me and my listeners.

    1. I am so joyful that these reflections are helpful in your radio show. Please let me know if I can help in any other ways. May God bless you and your listeners. J.

  5. Thank you my friend . Very nice. To receive Jesus must ask to believe in Him and believe in Him must change our life.
